Thursday, December 13, 2012


Today in class Ben was teaching and reviewing the stuff we are going over for the quiz.

Wednesday, December 12, 2012


Today I think all of the groups presented in class. My groups presentation was about China producing goods that are cheaper. Also we talked about China having low pay so they have the cheapest prices guaranteed. Ben in are group was very enthusiastic and it was funny. Otherwise I think are group did good. The other groups did good to but there was a lot of arguing and discussion for Lexie's group.

Sunday, December 9, 2012


Today we started a presentation in class. My partners for this assignment are Ben, Alex, and Avery.  We have to do are project about China having low prices compared to the USA. This is a important topic because a lot of American workers are losing there jobs to China because the people in China work for a lot less because they don't have any minimum wage. Also in China a lot of people are desperate for jobs because China has a giant population of people and the majority are in poverty.

Thursday, December 6, 2012


Today we had a sub so we continued watching the video and we learned that China will have more cars then the U.S at the rate there going in 2030. In Chongqing the labor is even cheaper then in China. They are selling 25000 cars a day and 9 million in a year. This is the fastest growing car production in the whole world. Its too bad that most of them are inexperienced drivers. Most or not all of the people buying cars in Chongqing are first time buyers. A taxi driver makes 14$ for a 10 hour work day. 

Wednesday, December 5, 2012

12/5 words

Capitalism- a economic system that is based on private ownership for production and the products of goods and services.
Communism- revolutionary socialist movement to create a classless and socials order
free enterprise-Private business operating for profit without information from government beyond regulations.                                                                                                                                                                                        
Free market- An economic system in which prices are determined by competition of privately owned businesses.

Monday, December 3, 2012


Today we finished watching the first part of the movie then we skipped the second part and started watching the 3rd part. These are the notes I took from the movie. A lot of Chinese people that drive don’t have insurance and they just pay the person depending on how bad the crash is.Even though there are some insurance company's like liberty mutual.There are around 400 car crashes a day which is the top country in car crashes. This has made one of the most dangerous places in China is crossing the roads.Instead of using machines china just uses thousands and thousands of people that need work to do the same job.
Tunnel workers make 14 dollars a day but works 11 hours a day 7 days a week. So they make pretty good money compared to other low salary workers.

Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today we talked about the hostess company going out of business. They went out of business because they needed to drop everyone pay by 8% but no one wanted to do that and they went on strike. So the managers and the head people of the business is shutting down. But I wont be surprised if another company buys out the hostess products like the twinkies and hohos to sell them again. After that discussion we continued watching the movie and what interested me is that when they interviewed a factory worker at China she said that she would want to be a reporter and her life is being wasted at the factory she works at now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today we were watching a movie about the republic of China. It is a very interesting movie because it shows how cheap the people of China work for and how desperate they are to get those jobs. It is crazy that People in China do hard labor work and they only get 4-5 dollars a day!! When in the United states are minimum wage is $7.50 per hour! Now I know why a lot of american company have Chinese workers make there stuff so they can sell it for cheaper to make people want to buy there product. I am not surprised anymore of why there have been so many students from China come to our school. Not only is it hard to live in China and get money it is hard for families to pay for good education. The people who come to America are very fortunate because a lot of Chinese people cant.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today we went over are quiz that we got back today on world leaders. Turns out I aced it which I was really surprised but glad because it bumped my grade up to a 91. Then Mr. Schick told us that the missiles being shot back and forth from Israel and the Gaza came to a ceasefire. This is very good because when the president of Egypt came things got settled so hopefully this ceasefire will last for a long time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today we went over our assignment we did yesterday for homework. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Assignment 11/14/12

United Kingdom
United Kingdom achieved independence in April 12 1927. They were part of the British empire.
United Kingdom used to be subjects of Great Britain.
Found on a island off of Europe.
United kingdom is made up of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain,  Whales

Saudi Arabia
Achieved independence September 23, 1932
Used to be part of the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottomans owned Saudi Arabia in the 16th century.
Found north-east of Africa.

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

No official date of Independence
France was once part of the Greek colonies, Gaul, Roman Gaul, Frankish kingdoms.
Found in west Europe.

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

Independence on January 18, 1871
Was first taken by the Germanic tribes then by the Frankish empire
Found next to France in Europe

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.

There independence from the UK was in August 15, 1947
India was controlled by Muslim rulers like central Asian warriors in the 16th century
Found next to china


1.Indepence was gained on April 1st 1979. On April 1st of 1998 Ben (Me) was born.

2. They were part of the Persian Dynasty until there indepence day in 1979.

3. Persia


1. There indepence was August 19th 1919.

2. They were part of the English dynasty that was still a big force at the time.

3. England


1.There indepence day is September 16th 1810. It was reconized on September 27th 1821 by Spain.

2. They were part of the Spanish dynasty  for years when Christopher Columbus found Mexico.

3. Spain


1.There indepence day is September 7th 1822.

2. They were part of the Portuguese Dynasty when Portugal found the land and took it over. They still have lots of traditions from there.

3. Portugal


1. There indepence day is July 5th 1811

2. They were part of Spanish rule.

3. Spain

Friday, November 9, 2012


Today we took a quiz about world leaders and facts about them. Then we went over the answers to it. I think I did a decent job on the quiz because we got to use are blogs. It is a good thing we get to use are blogs because I keep good blog entries.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Today in class we had two shadows and one of which i have seen before. His name is Zachary and I have seen him at wrestling tournaments before. But anyway we went over some more world leaders and two facts about them. Then we talked about Obama and some things about him. Like him being the first black president and was a senator before his first election of being president. So he had a job to fall back to if he didn't make the election which is pretty smart. Just like Mitt Romney vice who also sent in a application to be one of the house of Representatives if they didn't win which they didn't.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we got back are quizzes on world leaders which I did pretty bad in. Then we went over are blog assignments that we did from before which was two facts or more about each president. What I found interesting is the president of Brazil (Dilma Rouseff) got put in jail for being part of a coup detat (which is joining a organization that is against the government) and got tortured and beat for a couple years then later became president. Also the president of Afghanistan (Hamid Karzai) has to face these groups of people called the Taliban that are everywhere around the country. He has faced several assassination attempts.

Monday, November 5, 2012

11/5 assignment

Enrique Pena Nieto got into politics when he was in elementary school when he got elected as class president. Also he was the governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011.

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has over 21 billion dollars from oil and other exports. Also has at least 35 children. In 1963 he was a commander of the Saudia national guard. Also in 1975 he was the second deputy prime minister.

Angela Merkel is the chancellor of Germany, was a member of the Bundestag and cabin member before being elected.

Shimon Peres is the current president of Israel, and was the deputy director general for the ministry of defense

Hu Jintao is the current president in China. In 1980 he was the vice senior chief of the Construction Department of Gansu

Mahmound Ahmadinejad is the president of Iran. Was the mayor of Tehran in 2003. Also he took office as a governor of Maku and Khoy in 1980

Hamid Karzai is the current president of Afghanistan and has survived assassination attempts on him. He used to be a anti-communinist mujahideen in Pakistan.

Francois Hollande is the current president of France. He first got into Politics when he volunteered student work to be on francois Mitterlands unsuccessful campaign.

Pranab Mukherjee is the current president of India and he used to be an author and wrote many books. Also he was once a teacher in Political Science.

Hugo Chavez is the current president of Venezuela and he used to be in the Venezuelan Academe of Military Sciences. Also he wanted to get in a fist fight with president Bush.

David Cameroon is the current prime minister of the United Kingdom and was once the special adviser to the chancellor and to the Secretary. 

Dilma Rousseff is the current President of Brazil and she was once in prison when she got captured by the military. Because she was part of the coup detat 

Queen Elisibeth II is the current queen of england and she has been queen for over 60 years. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today since Mr. Schick still is not here this time we went to Mrs. Hugo's class who is my math teacher. All's we did is go over are test which i ended up getting a 83 on. After that she said we could do something quietly and that was pretty uch it.

Monday, October 29, 2012

Assignment over the weekend


                 Constitution: Federal based
                 President Felipe Calderon

                                                                    Constitution is Republic based
         President Hu Jintao

  Democracy based government
  President Pranab Mukherjee

         constitution: transitional government
          President Hamid Karzai

                 constitution: Republic based
                 Supreme leader  Ali Khamenei

                   democracy based government
                   President Shimon Peres
Benjamin metanyahu is the prime minister

                       Representative democracy

Chancler mericle

          United Kingdom
          Constitutional Monarchy
          Prime minister David Cameron

        Republic based government
        President Francois Hollande

Official portrait of Dilma Rousseff

          Federative republic government
          President Dilma Rousseff


             federal presidential republic
            President Hugo chavez

             Saudia Arabia
             Monarchy based on Islam

King adubullah Bin Addbul Aziz

Wednesday, October 24, 2012


Today are class met in the 3rd floor and when we all got there no teachers were there. So after waiting for about 5 minutes for Mr.Schick to show up we decided to call the office. Then after a little bit some one came down who turns out to be the ref for the powder puff football game. Then once he sat down he told us to work on 15 points about the stuff we had learned. It was a easy activity but it was kind of boring. Then after I finished on the assignment we could work on other stuff so I started homework.

Friday, October 19, 2012

the questions that should be on the test

1. Which religion has the most followers?
answer: Christianity.
2. What percent of the world is Judaism?
answer: 0.2 %
3. Who is the central figure of Islam?
answer: Muhammad.
4. Which religion has the four noble truths?
answer: Buddhism
5. Where is the majority of the Hindus?
answer: India

Thursday, October 18, 2012


Today we first started talking about stinkbugs and how they are all over the place. Then Mr. Schick told us about a day where there was like a couple hundred stinkbugs in his wooden stove so he set it on fire and killed all of them. Then we started taking more notes on culture. First was Islam: Muhammad is there central figure who restored teachings of many different prophets like Adam, Abraham, Jesus and others. The holy book is the Koran or Qur'an. There are 1.7 billion Muslims. They are found in Indonesia, Pakistan, Bangladesh  and the middle east. Mecca and Medina is there holy places.They go to Medina to pray which is called Haaj. Buddhism: The central figure Siddharta Guatama who lived in the eastern part of India. He wanted to end all suffering ignorance and craving. There are 376 million Buddhist and they are fond all over the world but especially India. It isn't polytheistic or monotheistic religion. They don't have a holy book but they have the four noble truths and the 8 fold. Hinduism: Is the oldest religon, does not claim any god or profit. There are over 1 billion Hindus and most of them are in India. There sacred text is known as the Vedas.

Monday, October 15, 2012


today in class we first continued taking notes on Mr. Schick's power point about culture and other stuff. Here are my notes: In Yugoslavia many ethnic groups including the Serbs  carts  Bosnian and the Albanians were made in to one country. When leadership dies out the different ethnic groups fight civil wars and get separate countries. Rwanda and Burundi are two different ethnic groups: the Tutsi and the Huts and they persecute each other in there countries. This has lead to constant war between the two ethnic groups. United States and Switzerland have merged multiple ethnic groups. On the other hand Korea and Japan have one primary ethnic group. Religion can be both unifying and dis unifying. Then we talked about something Mr. Schick watched and it was about all these people who were all exactly the same except that some people had different ear lobes then another and it eventually lead to a full out war against each other.

Sunday, October 14, 2012



  1. Christianity is founded by Jesus Christ in the middle east.
  2. Also it is a monotheistic religion.
  3. The holy book is the bible.
  4. There is approximately 2.1 billion Christianity followers.
  5. Of course the central figures are the father(god) son(Jesus) and holy spirit.
  6. The geographical concentration is in the middle east, Bethlehem, Israel, United States and others.


  1. Islam is founded by Muhammad in the middle east.
  2. Islam is also a monotheistic religon.
  3. The holy book for this religion is the Qur'an.
  4. There are approximately 1.6 or 1.7 billion followers in Islam
  5. There central figure is Muhammad
  6. The geographical concentration is in India, China, Russia and other European nations.

Buddhism :

  1. Buddhism is founded in south east Asia.
  2. Buddhism is a polytheistic religion
  3. Buddhism does not have a holy book
  4. there are 350-500 million believers in Buddhism
  5. the central figure is Siddhartha Gautama
  6. the geographical concentration is in Asia


  1. Judaism is founded in the middle east
  2. Judaism is a monotheistic religion
  3. The holy book is called the Hebrew bible
  4. There are 13.4 million Jews in 2010 which was 0.2 percent of the total population.
  5. The central figures were Abraham, Isaac, Jacob, Moses and others from the old testament in the holy bible.
  6. The geographical concentration is central or eastern Europe.

Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today the Christopher Columbus group went for there presentation they did. These are the notes I took on it. First he arrived with his crew in America at 1492 still thinking the land he was on is India. He then came and killed many Naive Americans and raped them and took the land for his own. Which answers does he respect the land? And he completed four voyages and sailed  the Atlantic  Then we took notes on Mr. Schicks power point that he did about culture. First he had a soda slide about what Americans call soda. It was like in the north they call it "pop" in the south they call it "coke" and in the east and west it was mostly "soda." I prefer to call it soda but I think it is cool that in different cultures they call things different. Then I wrote in my notes cultural characteristic is a part of a groups everyday life. Some examples are language, religion, ethnic heritage. Then i only got a couple of notes on language an then I had to leave for the orthodontists.

Wednesday, October 10, 2012


Today in class we started presenting are power points we did in class. My class went first, we were the vikings and my slide was when did the vikings first come to America? The answer I got was the vikings came to America on there long boats at around 1000 A.D. The rest of my group also did a pretty good job with there slides. Next was the group who did the Native Americans these were my notes. The Native Americans arrived in America at least 14300 years ago because they found ancient feces that dated that far back. The people who migrated to America were indo-Europeans. They crossed a land bridge called the Bering land bridge. The Native Americans were indigenous people and they were the first ones. Then the Christopher Columbus group went and I didn't get much notes on them because the class ended.

Monday, October 8, 2012


Today at class we got a new student who joined us who came here from Nigeria, and his name is mike. He is 7 foot tall and plays basketball which is crazy especially because I am only 5 foot and I look straight up when I talk to him. But he seems like a nice person and is in two of my classes: Human geography and Intro to bible. After that we got are testes back and apparently are group did the best out of everyone and of course I was 1 point off of getting an A because I spelled Christians wrong. Then we formed groups to make  a Google drive presentation about who discovered america. My group got the Vikings and I did the first question that are group needed to answer which was when did they come to America and the answer is around 1000 A.D

Friday, October 5, 2012


Today first we  first studied for 13 minutes then the test finally came after crazy studying.  The test was on the movie we have been watching which was "God grew tired of us". The test did not take that long to finish because it was only a front and back. The test was set up weird, there was just a long paragraph and you had to fill in the answers where the blanks were. When Carly's shadow was reading the answers from what I remember I think I only got 3 wrong. If that is correct then that would mean I did really good. That was pretty much all we did in class

Thursday, October 4, 2012


Today, first we started with meeting the shadow whose name is Delaney and she came from Saint Margret's. Apparently she can do a back flip because she does gymnastics which is pretty cool. Then we started going to peoples websites that we found for helping Sudan. Also Mr. Schick told us that he emailed John Bul Dau about coming to are school and telling us about his experiences. When we looked at John Bul Dau's email reply to Mr. Schick it surprised us because his expenses was 6000-10000 plus flying fees. Which was crazy,  especially because Mr.Schick said he remembered when it was only down at 2000. Then we also looked at Panther who was the guy who is aiming to build a school. Mr. Schick also emailed him about coming to are school and talking about his experiences and what he has been through. I personally think having one of them come down to are school would be truly amazing and something I would remember for the rest of my life.

Wednesday, October 3, 2012


Today we first talked about making a difference and doing something about the continuous problem in Sudan. Also we talked about actually doing something not just letting it go and moving on to the next thing. So then Mr. Schick showed us a website that are groups are going to be working on making a site that will help  the problem. I am in a group of 4 with Ben, will, lexi, and Ricky and so far we have got some good ideas posted to the site. I hop are work does not get deleted by some random person but so far it has been good even though it says like 40 other users when are class only has like 25. Also Mr. Schick said he had a problem with the other class with deleting stuff and writing dead puppies which I thought was weird. But apparently he yelled at them a lot.

Monday, October 1, 2012


Today we finished watching "God grew tired of us" these are the notes I got. One of the kids who came to America were reported missing and later found unstable and had to be sent to a mental hospital. Then all of the kids who came to America all came together to try and help the organization for there friends back in Kenya. Daniel wants to build a school back at the camp and marry his girlfriend there. Then John talks to his mother on his phone which makes him feel less stressed. Then he goes around to a couple different states raising awareness and does some speeches to tell the US government to help the Sudan problem. Then then they get news that one of the boys gets reunited with his mother. Then John is talking about he hasn't seen his mother in 17 years and he cant wait to see her. Then he finally sees her and her mother was yelling and so happy she fell on the ground. Then Daniel leaves to marry his girlfriend and make a school. John develops an organization that is going to make a hospital at the camp. Sadly Panther has not found any family members but he has a bachelors degree and a good job in America.

Saturday, September 29, 2012


On Friday we continued the movie "God grew tired of us." John gets three jobs, two of them are in the factory and the third one is at McDonald's.  Sometimes they are stuck with 8 hour shifts that get them home at around midnight then they have to wake up at 6 in the morning. Also in Sudan they could walk up to one of there neighbors houses and ask them how to get somewhere or anything. In America if some random person walked up to your door you could get the cops called on you. Panther is doing pretty good in America because he got a job at as a waiter in a nice restaurant. Daniel wants to go to college but he cant afford it so he joins a program that will help him get in to college. Then he gets a letter from his family that is in Uganda and it is not the best news because his sisters and brother has a disease.

Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today at class we continued to watch our video about the refugees who left Sudan and traveled to Kakuma a refugee camp in Kenya. Some of the refugees got shipped off to the United States from Kenya because of the United Nations. But there was only a  few of them that get chosen to fly on this plane to go to America. There plane first travels to Europe which then takes another plane to Pittsburgh where Daniel and Panther are going to be staying in a apartment with two others. When they got there, since they were used to there culture and having no electricity or bathrooms or anything they didn't know what a lot of the stuff in the apartment was. Also are foods are a lot different so they didn't know what was food like ketchup or mayonnaise and others. Also at there apartment they had to learn what the types of household items were and what they do like a washer, dryer, microwave, refrigerator and others. they really like it in America but the only problem is that they feel bad for there friends and family in Kakuma. They were remembering about what they did in there tribe and how they celebrated Christmas by singing and dancing around camp. The tribe that they are in is called the Dinka tribe.

Monday, September 24, 2012

Test day

Today we took are first human geography test. It was pretty easy until I got to the second page which some questions were hard. Some of them I didn't know we were exposed to know for the test. Anyway I think I did decent on the test well I hope I did to secure my A in that class because right now I got a 91. After the test a video called "God grew tired of us". It was about the Sudan civil war between the north (Muslims) and the south (Christians and anonymous) two million people died in the war in 1983. The survivors turn in to refugees and run away with 27000 people to go to Ethiopia. In Ethiopia after three years there government collapses and they are pushed out. So they travel on another journey to a city in Kenya called Kakuma. Only 12000 people made it to Kenya but the ones who made it are safe because Kenya is part of the United Nations. The refugee camp in Kenya had over 80000 people. There were stories told by Panther, John, and Daniel.

Thursday, September 20, 2012


today at class we went over my presentation which was about Indonesia. Also we went over three other groups presentations also, but we didn't get to finish the third one. Making are power points were kind of different because we were using Google drive. Google drive is like an average power point maker but is online so are whole group could work at it at home. Even though me and Ben did pretty much everything are power point turned out decent. I hope we got a good grade on that even though Austin didn't have his shirt tucked in which might have cost us 5 points... We will see how we did next time Mr. Schick updates power school which he hasn't done in a while. if I get over an A in this assignment then it will bring my grade up from an 89 to an A which will be good. In class I learned that not that many countries are developed in the world.

Wednesday, September 19, 2012


Today we started are project in class and I am going to work on it now.

Monday, September 17, 2012


Today Mr.Schick was telling us that the population back in his day was half of what it is today. Which I think is crazy because United states now reached two more billion people in 24 years. Sadly for my generation if this rate continues then we will probably hit 10 billion people when I get older! Next we learned about crude birth rate which is the number of births per 1000 then divided by 10. Then the crude death rate is the same thing but with the deaths. If you subtract the number of the crude death rate by crude birth rate will give you the rate of natural increase. If a countries Rate of natural increase is 2.1 that would mean there population is staying the same. If it is over then the population is rising and if it was under the population is decreasing. The U.S is currently under 2.1 but there net migration rate is high. The net migration rate which is the difference between immigrants and emigrants over a certain period of time. Then we talked about push and pull forces that effected the net migration rate. Pull forces like better economy, freedom of persecution and others. Push forces like war, persecution against your religion or ethnic group and more. Lastly we talked about total fertility rate. This is the average number of children that would be born to a women over her lifetime. We figured out that countries in Africa like Nigeria had a TFR of around 5 and countries like japan had 1.7. Then we ended class.

Thursday, September 13, 2012


Today we talked about the rest of are 25 questions from the cia website. We talked about how are GDP per capita isn't that high because we have a lot of homeless people even though we make a lot of money. Then when we were talking about how Africa is the continent with the highest birth rate we started an awkward conversation about sex. We talked about that the people in Africa end up with a lot of babies because they don't have birth control's. Then some how we started talking about men being able to have babies if they sex changed from a women to a man. Then we talked about how Mr.Schick worked in movie productions like home alone but switched jobs to teaching to spend more time with his family. He started teaching at this school because one time he substituted for french i think and taught a kid something which he thought was cool. There were 5x more English words in Shakespeare time then there is today. Also, china wil soon be the number 1 english speaking country in the world. Also it is estimated that a week worth of new york times is more information the a single person in the 1800s will come across in a lifetime!

Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Class today

Today at class we went over are 25 questions that we did yesterday. We figured out from those 25 questions that when people complain in america about not having a job they should see some other places. Especially Zimbabwe that has 95 percent of all people do not have jobs which is every 19 out of 20 people do not have a job. Even during are great depression we only went down to 25 percent people without a job.  Then we talked about all of what america uses oil for which is a lot of stuff because we are the number one user of oil. Then we talked about China being the number 3 of the most airports and U.S.A being number 1 cause were awesome. Also because almost everyone in are class raised there hand from traveling out of the country including me. Americans all over are traveling a lot more and it is easier to travel because we have over 15000 air ports!

Monday, September 10, 2012

cia questions

1. In July 2012 the estimate of the United States population is 313,847,465.
2. Number 1-5 in greatest to least in population is: China, India, United States, Indonesia, Brazil
3. The population in Pakistan is 190,291,129
4. The United States constitution based federal republic; strong democratic tradition
5. The unemployment rate in Zimbabwe is 95 which is the worst in all of the world.
6. Russia is the largest country in the world by area.
7. Mexico is the third greatest amount of airports.
8. China has the worlds greatest number of exports.
9. Saudi Arabia has the greatest number of oil exports.
10. The united states has the greatest number of oil imports.
11. Also the United states consumes the most oil then any other state.
12. Yes the women in china can serve in combat roles in the military
13. GDP is Gross Domestic Product.
14. The country with the highest GDP per capita is Liechtenstein.
15. No the united states is actually number 11.
16. The continent with the top birth rate is Africa
17. 11 of the 12 top countries with highest birth rates can be found in Africa.
18. The 12 country is India which is number 3.
19. United states is the 11th country in HIV/AIDS.
20. U.S is not the number 1 cell phone user China is.
21.United states is 23.9% roman catholic
22. Mexico is 76.5% roman catholic.
23. Net migration rate is the difference of immigrants and emigrants over a period of time.
24. U.S does not have the highest Net migration rate Qatar does.
25. The current population of the entire planet is 6,973,738,433.

The two most important questions are:  What country has the highest GDP per capita in the world, and how much is it? because it lets us know about the country that per capita makes the most overall products and income which is surprisingly Liechtenstein. Next important question is: 1.    What is the current population of the entire planet? which a lot of people do not know but it is approximately  6,973,738,433 which is a pretty cool thing to know.

Thursday, September 6, 2012


Today at class Mr. Schick read us a short story about Illinois. This is what I got from it: Illinois has the more people in any mid west state in the United States. Illinois consists of mainly farmland which is called prairie state. After that Mr. Schick talked about when he was born. He was born in December 9 in sub degree weather where his mom couldn't find a hospital. Until they found some sketchy hospital in a bad neighborhood where Mr. Schick was born. After that I figured out that the classroom clock is off by around 10 seconds. After that we learned about good note taking skills that we should use in college. Then Mr. Schick had one of those "back when I was a kid" moments and told us about his college class that he got a B+ in. He got a B+ because his teacher was so mad he got stroke that he took it out on his students because he couldn't play tennis or mountain bike. We ended up having a really long class today and it kind of seemed forever but it's over now anyways.

Wednesday, September 5, 2012


Today at class we learned that Wikipedia is such a great site. Wikipedia is such a great site because it gets proofed by thousands and thousands of people all across the world. Also it is always updated at least once a week. Next, in the page that you click on it cites all the sources they used to find the information.Next we figured out how to make a link list on your blog. First u click on the design button, then  you click layout where you can also make your blog look fancy. Then you click add gadget which will make a list pop up and you scroll down till you see Link List. When you find Link List you hit the little plus button which then you can name it. After you name it you can add links which are pretty much short cuts that you can add to your blog. After those easy steps you have officially completed making a link list!

Tuesday, September 4, 2012

Essay #3

My first point of my action plan is to get good grades. So far I am doing pretty well besides Spanish because I am switching classes to a lower class. But in all my other classes so far I have been doing good  My second point is to have a fun year so far my freshmen year has been pretty cool and fun. I hop it continues or gets better as the year goes on. The third point of my action plan is sports. I will be on the wrestling team at John Carroll and I have a shot at varsity. But I am going to wrestle in the 106 pound weight class this season. Next point is my musical career at John Carroll. I will be in the Orchestra probably every year playing the up-right bass. My final point for my John Carroll career is looking forward to college. Even though high school just started I am going to try my best to get in to good colleges. I am thinking about setting a goal for myself and seeing if I can get in to the University of Maryland.


If Socrates and Elbert Hubbard time traveled to today they would think society is pretty bad. First I think Hubbard would talk to people and figure out no one today will be like rowan and deliver a message to garcia. Also he will think people are even more lazy and will not do a hard task without asking questions. Socrates will learn that no one today defines the true meaning of arete like he does. Also he will think the people today do not stick up for their own opinion and express their opinion. I think both of them will be disappointed about today's future.

essay 1

Essay #1

Arete simply means excellence of any kind, the word came from the Ancient Greeks. Socrates displayed artete by standing up to what he thought was right. Also when he had the chance to say i am sorry to the court and admit that he will never do it again he didn't by standing for what he believed in. After that Socrates students wanted to bust Socrates out of jail and had a perfect chance to but he denied it. Instead he drank the hemlock which put him through suffering until he died. I think what Socrates did really displayed the true meaning of artete.

Thursday, August 30, 2012


Today in Mr Schicks class we first learned about the debate team that Mr.Schick manages. Then we talked a little about quitich and how it is a sport here in John Carroll and other school even colleges. Next Mr.Schick started reading the book: A message to Garcia by Elbert Hubert. This book was during the Spain and France war when President Mckennly needed to send a message to general Garcia in Cuba. The president was thinking who would want to travel all the way to Cuba to send a message to the general who is in hiding? Then he gets informed that if there's any man hat would do it it would be Rowan. So the president gives Rowan the paper and asks for him to deliver this letter to general Garcia in Cuba, and with no questions asked off Rowan goes. In about three weeks or so Rowan returns and says the letter has been delivered. Then the narrator (Elbert Hubert) says why cant we find a man like Rowan today who gets the job done no matter what with no questions asked? I think Elbert Hubert is right because there is barley anyone who will do a challenging task with no questions asked.

Wednesday, August 29, 2012

Another day at class

Today at class today we did not do much because a lot of people in the class have not created blogs yet. Since I already created a blog I customized my blog a little bit by changing the back round. Next I changed my screen savor to ribbons which looks pretty cool by the way. Also I changed my computer back round to random out door scenes. Then we were pretty much talking and being kind of bored until everyone who had there computer was finished creating there blog. Finally at the near end of the class Mr. Schick gives us are very first homework. The homework is to define 6 words and what the ancient Greeks meant when they called you an idiot. The first word is arĂȘte and it is a ridge of a rock typically formed when two glaciers erode parallel U shaped valleys. The next word is polis which means city in Greek. Socrates is the next word who was a classical Greek Athenian philosopher who was one of the founders of western philosophy and taught Plato and Xenophon. Socrates's death happened by drinking hemlock which kills you if you don't treat it, he had the chance to treat it but it would not let him be a philosopher so he choose to die. The Socratic method was invented by Socrates which is a inquiry and debate that stimulates critical thinking and to illuminate ideas. In 508 BC the office of Pontifex Maximus was created in Rome. Then the war between Rome and Clusium happens which ends up as a peace treaty. Next word is agora this was the central spot in most Greek city states that literally means gathering place. Finally what the Greeks meant when they called you and idiot was that everyone was required to vote and if you did not you were considered a idiot.

Monday, August 27, 2012

First day of Mr.Schick's class

Today in class, we went over are syllabus for Mr. Schick's class. In the syllabus it included that daily blogs were worth two points each. Also, we learned that tests are 40% of are grade and quizzes are 30%. Next, we learned that you can turn in late work within 3 days and get half credit, but after 3 days you will still have to do the assignment and get a 0. Also, today we got assigned seats and i sit in the second row.Mr. Schick told us that we are going to be doing the majority of our work on the computer. We had to create a gmail account so we could make a blogger to do our daily blogs. Luckily before the year started i knew two people, Austin Ross and Austin smith. I know them because they are going to be on the wrestling team with me. So far this school year is pretty cool having new teachers and meeting new students.

Friday, August 24, 2012

First Day

Yesterday was my first day of high school and it was really cool. It started with going to the auditorium and getting a lecture about all of us (freshmen) becoming part of John Carroll and we learned about why the school is called John Carroll. Finally, we learned that John Carroll has its theme being compelling considerate and uncompromising because those were the words on arch bishop John Carroll's grave. After we left the auditorium we went to are advisers where there was two other freshman that were nice. Then I got surprised from the fire drill and we all met on the bleachers where i meet my orchestra teacher. Then we headed back inside to get a snack at the cafeteria. After that, we broke into groups and first i went to the library and learned about a bunch of stuff including recycling. Then we headed to the brown room and learned about are councilors and figured out witch councilor you got. We walked from the brown room down to the auditorium and learned about honesty and respect. Finally, we walked to the upper gym and got are year book pictures taken then we got are John Carroll swipe card picture taken. At the end of the day we visited all are classes on a Wednesday schedule and had lots of fun getting to know the teachers.