Wednesday, September 12, 2012

Class today

Today at class we went over are 25 questions that we did yesterday. We figured out from those 25 questions that when people complain in america about not having a job they should see some other places. Especially Zimbabwe that has 95 percent of all people do not have jobs which is every 19 out of 20 people do not have a job. Even during are great depression we only went down to 25 percent people without a job.  Then we talked about all of what america uses oil for which is a lot of stuff because we are the number one user of oil. Then we talked about China being the number 3 of the most airports and U.S.A being number 1 cause were awesome. Also because almost everyone in are class raised there hand from traveling out of the country including me. Americans all over are traveling a lot more and it is easier to travel because we have over 15000 air ports!

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