Monday, September 24, 2012

Test day

Today we took are first human geography test. It was pretty easy until I got to the second page which some questions were hard. Some of them I didn't know we were exposed to know for the test. Anyway I think I did decent on the test well I hope I did to secure my A in that class because right now I got a 91. After the test a video called "God grew tired of us". It was about the Sudan civil war between the north (Muslims) and the south (Christians and anonymous) two million people died in the war in 1983. The survivors turn in to refugees and run away with 27000 people to go to Ethiopia. In Ethiopia after three years there government collapses and they are pushed out. So they travel on another journey to a city in Kenya called Kakuma. Only 12000 people made it to Kenya but the ones who made it are safe because Kenya is part of the United Nations. The refugee camp in Kenya had over 80000 people. There were stories told by Panther, John, and Daniel.

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