Monday, September 17, 2012


Today Mr.Schick was telling us that the population back in his day was half of what it is today. Which I think is crazy because United states now reached two more billion people in 24 years. Sadly for my generation if this rate continues then we will probably hit 10 billion people when I get older! Next we learned about crude birth rate which is the number of births per 1000 then divided by 10. Then the crude death rate is the same thing but with the deaths. If you subtract the number of the crude death rate by crude birth rate will give you the rate of natural increase. If a countries Rate of natural increase is 2.1 that would mean there population is staying the same. If it is over then the population is rising and if it was under the population is decreasing. The U.S is currently under 2.1 but there net migration rate is high. The net migration rate which is the difference between immigrants and emigrants over a certain period of time. Then we talked about push and pull forces that effected the net migration rate. Pull forces like better economy, freedom of persecution and others. Push forces like war, persecution against your religion or ethnic group and more. Lastly we talked about total fertility rate. This is the average number of children that would be born to a women over her lifetime. We figured out that countries in Africa like Nigeria had a TFR of around 5 and countries like japan had 1.7. Then we ended class.

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