Thursday, September 27, 2012


Today at class we continued to watch our video about the refugees who left Sudan and traveled to Kakuma a refugee camp in Kenya. Some of the refugees got shipped off to the United States from Kenya because of the United Nations. But there was only a  few of them that get chosen to fly on this plane to go to America. There plane first travels to Europe which then takes another plane to Pittsburgh where Daniel and Panther are going to be staying in a apartment with two others. When they got there, since they were used to there culture and having no electricity or bathrooms or anything they didn't know what a lot of the stuff in the apartment was. Also are foods are a lot different so they didn't know what was food like ketchup or mayonnaise and others. Also at there apartment they had to learn what the types of household items were and what they do like a washer, dryer, microwave, refrigerator and others. they really like it in America but the only problem is that they feel bad for there friends and family in Kakuma. They were remembering about what they did in there tribe and how they celebrated Christmas by singing and dancing around camp. The tribe that they are in is called the Dinka tribe.

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