Thursday, October 11, 2012


Today the Christopher Columbus group went for there presentation they did. These are the notes I took on it. First he arrived with his crew in America at 1492 still thinking the land he was on is India. He then came and killed many Naive Americans and raped them and took the land for his own. Which answers does he respect the land? And he completed four voyages and sailed  the Atlantic  Then we took notes on Mr. Schicks power point that he did about culture. First he had a soda slide about what Americans call soda. It was like in the north they call it "pop" in the south they call it "coke" and in the east and west it was mostly "soda." I prefer to call it soda but I think it is cool that in different cultures they call things different. Then I wrote in my notes cultural characteristic is a part of a groups everyday life. Some examples are language, religion, ethnic heritage. Then i only got a couple of notes on language an then I had to leave for the orthodontists.

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