Monday, October 15, 2012


today in class we first continued taking notes on Mr. Schick's power point about culture and other stuff. Here are my notes: In Yugoslavia many ethnic groups including the Serbs  carts  Bosnian and the Albanians were made in to one country. When leadership dies out the different ethnic groups fight civil wars and get separate countries. Rwanda and Burundi are two different ethnic groups: the Tutsi and the Huts and they persecute each other in there countries. This has lead to constant war between the two ethnic groups. United States and Switzerland have merged multiple ethnic groups. On the other hand Korea and Japan have one primary ethnic group. Religion can be both unifying and dis unifying. Then we talked about something Mr. Schick watched and it was about all these people who were all exactly the same except that some people had different ear lobes then another and it eventually lead to a full out war against each other.

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