Thursday, November 29, 2012


Today we talked about the hostess company going out of business. They went out of business because they needed to drop everyone pay by 8% but no one wanted to do that and they went on strike. So the managers and the head people of the business is shutting down. But I wont be surprised if another company buys out the hostess products like the twinkies and hohos to sell them again. After that discussion we continued watching the movie and what interested me is that when they interviewed a factory worker at China she said that she would want to be a reporter and her life is being wasted at the factory she works at now.

Wednesday, November 28, 2012


Today we were watching a movie about the republic of China. It is a very interesting movie because it shows how cheap the people of China work for and how desperate they are to get those jobs. It is crazy that People in China do hard labor work and they only get 4-5 dollars a day!! When in the United states are minimum wage is $7.50 per hour! Now I know why a lot of american company have Chinese workers make there stuff so they can sell it for cheaper to make people want to buy there product. I am not surprised anymore of why there have been so many students from China come to our school. Not only is it hard to live in China and get money it is hard for families to pay for good education. The people who come to America are very fortunate because a lot of Chinese people cant.

Monday, November 26, 2012


Today we went over are quiz that we got back today on world leaders. Turns out I aced it which I was really surprised but glad because it bumped my grade up to a 91. Then Mr. Schick told us that the missiles being shot back and forth from Israel and the Gaza came to a ceasefire. This is very good because when the president of Egypt came things got settled so hopefully this ceasefire will last for a long time.

Thursday, November 15, 2012


Today we went over our assignment we did yesterday for homework. 

Wednesday, November 14, 2012

Assignment 11/14/12

United Kingdom
United Kingdom achieved independence in April 12 1927. They were part of the British empire.
United Kingdom used to be subjects of Great Britain.
Found on a island off of Europe.
United kingdom is made up of Scotland, Northern Ireland, Great Britain,  Whales

Saudi Arabia
Achieved independence September 23, 1932
Used to be part of the Ottoman Empire.
The Ottomans owned Saudi Arabia in the 16th century.
Found north-east of Africa.

Location of  Metropolitan France  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

No official date of Independence
France was once part of the Greek colonies, Gaul, Roman Gaul, Frankish kingdoms.
Found in west Europe.

Location of  Germany  (dark green)– in Europe  (green & dark grey)– in the European Union  (green)  —  [Legend]

Independence on January 18, 1871
Was first taken by the Germanic tribes then by the Frankish empire
Found next to France in Europe

Image of a globe centred on India, with India highlighted.

There independence from the UK was in August 15, 1947
India was controlled by Muslim rulers like central Asian warriors in the 16th century
Found next to china


1.Indepence was gained on April 1st 1979. On April 1st of 1998 Ben (Me) was born.

2. They were part of the Persian Dynasty until there indepence day in 1979.

3. Persia


1. There indepence was August 19th 1919.

2. They were part of the English dynasty that was still a big force at the time.

3. England


1.There indepence day is September 16th 1810. It was reconized on September 27th 1821 by Spain.

2. They were part of the Spanish dynasty  for years when Christopher Columbus found Mexico.

3. Spain


1.There indepence day is September 7th 1822.

2. They were part of the Portuguese Dynasty when Portugal found the land and took it over. They still have lots of traditions from there.

3. Portugal


1. There indepence day is July 5th 1811

2. They were part of Spanish rule.

3. Spain

Friday, November 9, 2012


Today we took a quiz about world leaders and facts about them. Then we went over the answers to it. I think I did a decent job on the quiz because we got to use are blogs. It is a good thing we get to use are blogs because I keep good blog entries.

Thursday, November 8, 2012


Today in class we had two shadows and one of which i have seen before. His name is Zachary and I have seen him at wrestling tournaments before. But anyway we went over some more world leaders and two facts about them. Then we talked about Obama and some things about him. Like him being the first black president and was a senator before his first election of being president. So he had a job to fall back to if he didn't make the election which is pretty smart. Just like Mitt Romney vice who also sent in a application to be one of the house of Representatives if they didn't win which they didn't.

Wednesday, November 7, 2012


Today in class we got back are quizzes on world leaders which I did pretty bad in. Then we went over are blog assignments that we did from before which was two facts or more about each president. What I found interesting is the president of Brazil (Dilma Rouseff) got put in jail for being part of a coup detat (which is joining a organization that is against the government) and got tortured and beat for a couple years then later became president. Also the president of Afghanistan (Hamid Karzai) has to face these groups of people called the Taliban that are everywhere around the country. He has faced several assassination attempts.

Monday, November 5, 2012

11/5 assignment

Enrique Pena Nieto got into politics when he was in elementary school when he got elected as class president. Also he was the governor of the state of Mexico from 2005 to 2011.

Abdullah bin Abdul Aziz Al Saud has over 21 billion dollars from oil and other exports. Also has at least 35 children. In 1963 he was a commander of the Saudia national guard. Also in 1975 he was the second deputy prime minister.

Angela Merkel is the chancellor of Germany, was a member of the Bundestag and cabin member before being elected.

Shimon Peres is the current president of Israel, and was the deputy director general for the ministry of defense

Hu Jintao is the current president in China. In 1980 he was the vice senior chief of the Construction Department of Gansu

Mahmound Ahmadinejad is the president of Iran. Was the mayor of Tehran in 2003. Also he took office as a governor of Maku and Khoy in 1980

Hamid Karzai is the current president of Afghanistan and has survived assassination attempts on him. He used to be a anti-communinist mujahideen in Pakistan.

Francois Hollande is the current president of France. He first got into Politics when he volunteered student work to be on francois Mitterlands unsuccessful campaign.

Pranab Mukherjee is the current president of India and he used to be an author and wrote many books. Also he was once a teacher in Political Science.

Hugo Chavez is the current president of Venezuela and he used to be in the Venezuelan Academe of Military Sciences. Also he wanted to get in a fist fight with president Bush.

David Cameroon is the current prime minister of the United Kingdom and was once the special adviser to the chancellor and to the Secretary. 

Dilma Rousseff is the current President of Brazil and she was once in prison when she got captured by the military. Because she was part of the coup detat 

Queen Elisibeth II is the current queen of england and she has been queen for over 60 years. 

Thursday, November 1, 2012


Today since Mr. Schick still is not here this time we went to Mrs. Hugo's class who is my math teacher. All's we did is go over are test which i ended up getting a 83 on. After that she said we could do something quietly and that was pretty uch it.